10 Movies To Watch if You Like Twin Peaks


9º – The Vanishing (George Sluizer, 1988)After his girlfriend disappears inexplicably from a gas station, a man finds himself completely obsessed with finding out what had happened to his partner. A sad and life-driven suspense to frighten the viewer, ‘The Vanishing’ is a terrifying work about the strangest human motivations and the impossibility we have of overcoming certain facts of our history.


8º – Memories of Murder (Joon-ho Bong, 2003)In 1986, in a Korean province, a serial killer begins a reign of terror, killing women and leaving the place upside down. Two detectives are tasked with the mission of capturing the killer, changing their lives forever and discovering that certain things are simply not forgotten. A film about life and the moments that give this a real substance. Each minute of this movie serves to assemble a puzzle about everything that permeates the characters inserted there. ‘Memories of Murder’ is located in the genre of suspense, but we will have comedy, drama, terror and action together in a precise and necessary tangle for the film.

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