10 Haunting Ghost Movies That Will Really Scare You


9º – The Changeling (Peter Medak, 1980)A man, living alone in a large house, finds himself constantly being harassed by strange inexplicable phenomena. Unlike what is usually built in the genre, ‘The Changeling’ manages to deliver to the viewer a concise and attractive plot, concise performances and a frightening atmosphere for the unfolding of the story.


8º – The Uninvited (Lewis Allen, 1944)Two brothers decide to buy a huge house in a small town. However, shortly after their arrival, strange events begin to take place in the house, linking the past and the present of the entire city. A masterpiece of horror cinema, ‘The Uninvited’ is a real cinema class, with natural scares, a story that is shaped in a dynamic and true way and concise performances.

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