9º – Time of the Wolf (Michael Haneke, 2003)The film brings us the story of Anne (Isabelle Huppert) and her two children in a desperate struggle for survival when they discover that the world as they knew it no longer exists. We have here a post-apocalyptic film that brings to the screen how flexible human behavior is in a destructive scale when exposed to situations of adversity. As is traditional in Michael Haneke’s cinema, ‘Time of the Wolf’ is characterized by its hard, rustic and extremely disturbing nature.
8º – Benny’s Video (Michael Haneke, 1992)It is impressive to see how far ahead Michael Haneke was of his time, making a film in 1992 about the impact of technological advancement on the way society consummated its relationship with the world. Here what shocks the viewer is the cruelty and coldness of the execution of the heaviest scenes. And, as if impacting scenes were not enough in its scenic construction, we still have the recurrent execution of a video where there is a real reduction of an animal.
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