10 Wonderful Movies That You Need to Watch With Your Kids


5º – Jumanji (Joe Johnston, 1995)After playing with a strange and old board game, two children end up awakening a whole magical world contained there. Now, they will have to try to capture, along with the help of a man imprisoned in the game, all the elements that came out of the board. ‘Jumanji’ is regular when we analyze the general apparatus. However, it is a movie that manages to capture the attention of its spectator, containing some positive fragments that make the experience of watching it valid.


4º – Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Chris Columbus, 2001)Opening the ‘Harry Potter’ saga in the cinema, this film exposes in its plot the initial steps of the central character in his discovery of powers and a fantastic parallel universe. Directed by Chris Columbus, the film, as well as its sequence by the same director, knows how to mix in a unique way the inherent adventure of the story with the most pleasant aspects that comprise childhood.

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