10 Intelligent TV Shows To Watch at Least Once in Your Life

4º – Supernatural (2005-2020)Two brothers fight against supernatural forces that permeate the world, getting involved in the worst possible confusions. Supernatural’ had a more concentrated beginning in a more classic terror exhibition, then moving on to a terror that mixes action and adventure. The series has 15 seasons and more than 300 episodes for you to watch and have fun with the adventures of the Winchester brothers.


3º – Twin Peaks (1990-1991)The murder of a young woman brings terror to a small and quiet city. An FBI agent is assigned the mission to go to the city and investigate the crime. In place, the man will realize that nothing there is normal and his investigation will be much more complicated than he thought. Twin Peaks’ is iconic for its strange and truly irresistible atmosphere. Even not maintaining the good level during all the episodes of his two seasons in the 1990s, we can include the series among the great ones of his time, having as creator the great David Lynch.

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