10 Intelligent Movies About Society

7º – One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (Milos Forman, 1975)A man, seeking to escape from prison, alleges insanity and is sentenced to serve time in a psychiatric institution after a crime. Instead, the man will realize that his decision may not have been the right one, developing, however, a strong affective bond with the patients of the institution. Milos Forman’s masterpiece, ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest’ elevates a positive aura by telling his story, presenting different compendia of the human heart in the world.


6º – Network (Sidney Lumet, 1976)A veteran presenter of an American television channel suffers an exacerbated break with the standards ruled in his life, deciding to use his space in the media to distill extreme scores on his social siege, soon becoming a big celebrity because of his positioning. A masterpiece of the 1970s, ‘Network’ is impeccable from the first to the last scene, bringing to the viewer an intelligent plot that “hammers” several of the untouchable concepts of a traditional society.

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