10 Intelligent Movies About Society


9º – Citizen Ruth (Alexander Payne, 1996)A woman who is completely maladjusted, living in poverty and with a drug addiction, discovers, after being arrested, that she is pregnant. The film gains its substance when an anti-abortion religious group pays the woman’s bail and decides to take care of her until the child is born. Belonging to Alexander Payne’s cinema, ‘Citizen Ruth’ is a comedy that escapes the common sense of the genre, with a dose of humor inherent to its scenes and that takes advantage of the talent of its protagonist, played in an unretouchable way by actress Laura Dern.


8º – Celebrity (Woody Allen, 1998)The film is divided into several different short stories referring to the world of celebrities, exploring the forms of social exchange found by those people. A less relevant work inside Woody Allen’s brilliant filmography, ‘Celebrity’ uses a dynamic tone when working with a story with its good and bad moments.

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