10 Inspiring Dustin Hoffman Movies

7º – Marathon Man (John Schlesinger, 1976)In the plot, an ordinary student finds himself involved, by mere chance, in a spy game that could cost his life. ‘Marathon Man’ brings the best of the 1970s, with a dense story, mysterious characters and tortuous conclusions for its layer of scenes.


6º – Midnight Cowboy (John Schlesinger, 1969)A young man from a small town decides to try life in a big metropolis, hoping to improve the quality of his daily life and find good jobs. However, the reality of the place turns out to be much less pleasant than he expected. Now it is up to him to overcome the difficulties encountered, relying on the help of a frustrated con man. ‘Midnight Cowboy’ is sad to explicitly bring the way that the human being is psychologically shaken when facing a very big frustration. However, more than that, it shows how we manage to overcome the most diverse difficulties when we decide to join the figure of camaraderie.

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