10 Greatest Movies to Watch of the 1970s


5º – Husbands (John Cassavetes, 1970)After the unexpected death of a common person, three middle-aged friends decide to undertake a journey in search of elements from the past: ‘Husbands’ presents all that documentary model for its unleashing of scenes common to the cinema of John Cassavetes, exposing a productive and extremely relevant story about the middle-aged crisis.


4º – Taxi Driver (Martin Scorsese, 1976)A taxi driver finds himself more and more immersed in an unpleasant reality on New York nights. Little by little, the man, wrapped in a solitary routine, begins to lose contact with reality, putting his mental health at risk. Belonging to Martin Scorsese’s cinema, ‘Taxi Driver’ lists a wide range of negative events present in humanity, giving a destructive look even to the eventual heroes of the plot.

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