10 Best Brad Pitt Movies to Watch

7º – Moneyball (Bennett Miller, 2011)In the plot, a director of a baseball team with a limited budget discovers a possible solution to the problems of the season with a revolutionary player analysis system. ‘Moneyball’ may sound somewhat insubstantial, working with a cadenced story and without too many twists and turns. However, for those who love sports, this is an indispensable film, faithfully bringing behind the scenes the construction of a winning team.


6º – Inglourious Basterds (Quentin Tarantino, 2009)In France, occupied by the Nazis, in the midst of World War II, we will have a great tangle of conflicts, mixing revenge and professional objectives. A masterpiece of the fantastic and short filmography of director Quentin Tarantino, besides being one of the great war films ever made.

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