10 Triggering Movies That Will Start Your Anxiety


9º – The Vanishing(George Sluizer, 1988)After his girlfriend disappears inexplicably from a gas station, a man finds himself completely obsessed with finding out what had happened to his partner. A sad suspense, based on the development of life to frighten the viewer, ‘The Silence of the Lake’ is a terrifying work about the strangest human motivations and the impossibility we have of overcoming certain facts of our history.


8º – Triangle (Christopher Smith, 2009)Some young people have to seek refuge in an abandoned ship after an accident on the high seas. The problem is that that ship hides strange details, making the lives of those young people a real hell. Playing with the aspect of time in a living horror format, ‘Fear Triangle’ surprises those who watch each scene surpassed, with well-designed plot twists, good characters and a compendium of positive scenes.

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