10 Smart Movies That Will Blow Your Mind

7º – Circle (Aaron Hann, 2015)A group of unknown people is held hostage in a dark place, having to decide which members will come and who will die. As strong in its history as its synopsis indicates, ‘Circle’ is a clever film in its central arc. His daring plot and which debates several of the moral values ​​in our society sounds irresistible to the viewer’s eyes.


6º – Triangle (Christopher Smith, 2009)Some young people have to seek refuge on an abandoned ship after suffering an accident on the high seas. The problem is that the ship hides strange details, making the lives of those young people a real hell. Playing with the aspect of time in a live format of terror, ‘Triangle’ surprises those who watch each scene overcome, with well-written plot twists, good characters and a compendium of positive scenes.

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