10 Smart Movies That Will Blow Your Mind


9º – The Game (David Fincher, 1997)A successful man ends up entering an obscure game, seeing his whole life being altered and unable to separate reality from fiction. ‘The Game’ is permeated by twists, working with a story that changes with every scene surpassed. A good suspense, still counting on the talent of the actor Michael Douglas.


8º – Thesis (Alejandro Amenábar, 1996)After learning about an alleged videotape containing “snuff” content in her college, while conducting research on violence, a student decides to investigate the case, only to discover things she might not have stirred. ‘Thesis’ actually fits the genre of suspense, with its plot unfolding always based on mystery and investigative sense, but some of its paths chosen by the script and direction in the final stretch make the film a terror of Quality.

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