10 Horror Movies to Watch of the 1990s

4º – Sleepy Hollow (Tim Burton, 1999)Following the assassinations and beheadings of three members of a small village, all appointed as the work of a headless knight, a man decides to leave his busy city to investigate the case and the respective legend. Directed by Tim Burton, the film presents all the elements common to the filmmaker’s cinema, developing an extremely attractive plot and unevenness that escapes the sense of the real.

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3º – Scream (Wes Craven, 1996)Shortly after her mother’s death, a young woman and her friends are being chased by a strange masked killer. Directed by Wes Craven, one of the greatest exponents of horror cinema, ‘Scream’ is the most popular film of the 1990s genre, responsible for the emergence of a new form of terror, and reinvented famous clichés.


2º – Candyman (Bernard Rose, 1992)A young reporter decides to investigate an old legend about a killer, nicknamed Candyman, who usually plays in the needy neighborhood of Cabrini Green with a hook instead of one hand. ‘Candyman’ is an irreproachable film, using its extremely pleasant and mysterious atmosphere to “suck” the attention of the viewer to the unevenness of the work.


1º – Jacob’s Ladder (Adrian Lyne, 1990)A veteran of Vietnam has his reality suppressed, where fragments of various hallucinations take over his daily life. As well as the 2nd place of this list, ‘Jacob’s Ladder’ shows all its brilliance in the atmospheric part of the film, evidencing a cold, almost inhospitable environment where even the spectator can not differentiate reality from hallucination.