10 Cyberpunk Movies To Watch That Increase Your IQ


2º – Total Recall (Paul Verhoeven, 1990)In the future, a man decides to take an illusory vacation on Mars offered by a technology company. However, things get out of hand, leaving man in an endless game of deception. Everything in the film is fantastic. A typical futuristic film that knows how to take advantage of its pleasurable set construction. One of the best films in the career of filmmaker Paul Verhoeven.


1º – Videodrome (David Cronenberg, 1983)A small television channel producer acquires a new attraction that promises to capture a lot of audience. However, this new attraction turns out to be more gloomy than it seemed, putting the sanity of man at risk. ‘Videodrome’ presents an involving atmosphere, completely absorbing the viewer’s attention to the events of the story.