10 Movies With More Than 3 Hours Lenght You Need To Watch

8º – 1900 (Bernardo Bertolucci, 1976) – 317 min.

The film exposes the life story of two friends in the midst of a class struggle in Italy in the early twentieth century. The film is gigantic and requires patience from the viewer. Everything here is transmitted in a very dosed way, exploring everything that permeates life in that place during the years covered.

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7º – Schindler’s List (Steven Spielberg, 1993) – 195 min.

Inserted in the context of World War II, ‘Schindler’s List’ tells the story of a man who, after seeing the precarious situations that Jews are subjected to, decides to help them in pursuit of certain goals. The film does not seem to be 195 minutes long, everything here passes very fast and without regret to the viewer.

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