10 Movies That Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity


5º – The Theory of Everything (James Marsh, 2014)We will explore the most important moments in Stephen Hawking’s life, understanding a bit about how he deals with the limitations imposed by the world, and how we will see all his genius. Biographical, ‘The Theory of Everything’ flees from that more usual caste of the subgenre, bringing a story full of dynamicity and with irredeemable plans, having as main characteristic the transposition of a novel from the life of its central character.


4º – To Kill a Mockingbird (Robert Mulligan, 1962)A respected lawyer decides to help a black man falsely accused of a horrible crime. Now it’s up to him to deal with an extremely racist town at his tail. ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’, a film based on Harper Lee’s novel, alternates between positive and negative moments, reaching its pinnacle of quality in exactly thematic racism being debated. It is also worth highlighting the great performance of the legendary Gregory Peck ahead of the main character.

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