10 Movies That Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity

7º – Ikiru (Akira Kurosawa, 1952)After discovering that his life is condemned due to a health problem, a middle-aged man, wrapped in an insipid routine, decides to rethink all his moral and ethical constructions of his trajectory, opting to take advantage of his last moments in the most intense way possible. Fragmented into two stories, one before and after the death of man, ‘Ikiru’ works under the conceptualization of life for a superficial and harmful society.


6º – 12 Angry Men (Sidney Lumet, 1957)In the plot, a jury must decide whether a man is guilty or innocent of a crime. Sidney Lumet’s masterpiece, the film takes place only in a room, in which the jury debates the situation of the case. However, far from any limitation, the decision to use a single environment shows how productive the script is. Movie masterpiece.

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