10 Movies Every Woman Should Watch Before 50

3º – Something’s Gotta Give (Nancy Meyers, 2003)A middle-aged man, used to having cases with women much younger than himself, ends up spending a weekend at the beach house of one of these cases. Instead, the man will have to deal with the girl’s mother, a woman of his age, developing a series of setbacks between the two. Light and very pleasant, ‘Something’s Gotta Give’ succeeds with the spectator because of his unpretentiousness.


2º – September (Woody Allen, 1987)In a country house in Vermont, we will insert ourselves into a tangle of unrequited love relationships, explaining the erratic behaviour of each individual present in the place. Committed cast, concise plot and its short duration make ‘September’ a comprehensive and unique film, working with several distinct characters. Good option inside Woody Allen’s filmography.


1º – What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (Robert Aldrich, 1962)Two sisters live in a large house, where one of them should take care of the other, since she is paraplegic. However, the reality is quite different, showing the cruel relationship between the two, as well as the inherent psychological decline to which both are subjected. Disturbing terror of the 1960s, famous for bringing Bette Davis and Joan Crawford as protagonists, ‘What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?’ bothers us for its story, which always chooses the most cruel ways out with one of the characters, raising the figure of madness and the past as driving forces for the whole plot.