10 Movies Every Woman Should Watch Before 50

7º – While We’re Young (Noah Baumbach, 2014)A middle-aged couple sees in the figure of a young man the chance to relive pleasant fragments of the past, forming a friendship with the boy. However, this search for a past that no longer exists will only bring more suffering to the couple: ‘While We’re Young’ is an impacting comedy, provoking their mood situations with difficult issues in the lives of their central characters.


6º – Blue Jasmine (Woody Allen, 2013)After divorcing her rich husband, a middle-aged woman will have to relearn how to live her daily life, facing psychological crises at the expense of abrupt changes. Directed by Woody Allen, ‘Blue Jasmine’ sincerely exposes several of the dilemmas inherent in life, bringing a beautiful construction of his central character (played by actress Cate Blanchett).

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