10 Movies Every Woman Should Watch in Her 40s


9º – Carol (Todd Haynes, 2015)In the middle of the 1950s, a married woman finds herself in love with a young aspiring photographer. The plot gains its substance by exploring the consequences of this passion in their lives, with destructive family and social arches being studied. ‘Carol’ is an aesthetically impeccable film, with an incredible direction, a stunning cinematography and an engaging soundtrack, bringing old questions about the not always positive influence that the social compendium has on a person.


8º – September (Woody Allen, 1987)In a country house in Vermont, we will insert ourselves into a tangle of unrequited love relationships, explaining the erratic behaviour of each individual present in the place. Committed cast, concise plot and its short duration make ‘September’ a comprehensive and dynamic film, working with several distinct characters. Good option inside Woody Allen’s filmography.

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