10 Movies About Obsession

6º – Perfect Blue (Satoshi Kon, 1997)A singer of a famous pop group decides to abandon her career to pursue the dream of becoming an actress. Everything that follows after this decision works by disorienting the character and the viewer. Reality and imagination undergo a symbiotic process, never making it clear which is which. ‘Perfect Blue’ is a film about ghosts of the past, too great dreams that act against the human essence and also about the evil rooted in society.

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5º – Three Colors: White (Krzysztof Kieslowski, 1994)After separating from his French wife and being humiliated by her, a Polish man returns to his native country and begins to work a terrible revenge against the woman who once loved him. The obsession here is taken as a form solidified in the essence of the individual, an unnatural process that takes away the fluidity of thoughts and attitudes, propitiating a life with an incessant sense.

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