10 Great Movies About Complicated Relationships


5º – The Shining (Stanley Kubrick, 1980)A man accepts the post of janitor in a large hotel for the winter period, when the place remains closed and completely isolated by the snow, going with his wife and small son to the place. However, what seemed to be a great job opportunity, little by little, becomes a nightmare. ‘The Shining’ is one of the great horror films ever designed. Stanley Kubrick does a brilliant job of adapting Stephen King’s work, creating atmospheric terror that impresses every outdated scene.


4º – Sling Blade (Billy Bob Thornton, 1996)A man who has lived almost all his journey in the world in a psychiatric institution is released, coming to make a beautiful friendship with a boy from a troubled family. The film gains all its dynamicity when exploring the rotten meanders that comprise the humanity, always contrasting with the sad steps of our protagonist. Sad in its setting of scenes, ‘Sling Blade’ it thrills those who watch for simplicity by bringing a common and rotten tangle of society, never lessening in their most potent events.

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