10 Essential Movies to Watch from 1980s


9º – The Vanishing (George Sluizer, 1988)After his girlfriend disappears inexplicably from a gas station, a man finds himself completely obsessed with finding out what had happened to his partner. A sad and life-driven suspense to frighten the viewer, ‘The Vanishing’ is a terrifying work about the strangest human motivations and the impossibility we have of overcoming certain facts in our history.


8º – Blade Runner (Ridley Scott, 1982)Raising a futuristic plot permeated by nuances, ‘Blade Runner’ brings the search for a government official to exterminate robots (called replicants) that have broken the paradigm of their primary functions. Directed by the great Ridley Scott, the film presents an alternative construction of an irresistible world, valuing the exhibition of gloomy scenes, also counting on safe performances of his cast.

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