10 Amazing Movies About the Coming-of-Age of Woman

3º – Aquarius (Kleber Mendonça Filho, 2016)In the plot, a retiree of 65 years fights alone to preserve the building in which it lives, being the last resident of the place. In the midst of this, we will analyze the agitated daily life of the woman, understanding more about the forms of amusement she encounters. ‘Aquarius’ is one of the best films of the Brazilian cinema of this decade, working with an irredeemable plot, a masterful performance of the actress Sônia Braga and a skilful direction of the great Kleber Mendonça Filho.


2º – Frances Ha (Noah Baumbach, 2012)In the plot, an aspiring dancer has to deal with the arrival of adulthood responsibilities, maintain assertive social contact with her friends and discover the lost love figure for New York. ‘Frances Ha’ is dynamic in its compendium of scenes, exposing what is most common to life in a contemporary society.


1º – Black Swan (Darren Aronofsky, 2010)A dancer is given the opportunity to perform a great dance performance. However, the process of preparation for the event ends up gradually taking away the sanity of the young woman, leaving her in a fight between reality and hallucinations. ‘Black Swan’ works with a plot that changes over every outdated scene, permeated by twists and assertively studying the figure of its central character.