10 Movies About Loneliness

2º – Three Colors: Red (Krzysztof Kieslowski, 1994)After running over a dog, a young model ends up meeting an old man who spends his days spying on his neighbors’ conversations by tapping. The film presents to the viewer innumerable aspects of the human essence, mostly positive, that work by consummating the relationship between the young man and the old man. The solitude appears in the work under two different nuances, fitting in both characters and reaching them in altered forms.

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1º – The Turin Horse (Béla Tarr, 2011)Through the physical collapse of his horse, a father and his daughter are enveloped in an inexorable decline, where any struggle to keep their uninstructed lives active is limited. The film follows the routine of the small family as their lives gradually fade away. Everything exposed in this masterpiece of Bela Tárr seeks to denounce the irrelevant human habits that despise the moment, living under a nihilistic perspective of the world. Loneliness is just one of several elements unchained by the film, working to show how life without other humans around seems so unnatural to an individual who is embedded in a traditional modern society as we are.

Credits: Cinefilia Incandescente