10 Incredible Movies About Empathy and Compassion

3º – Good Morning, Vietnam (Barry Levinson, 1987)A broadcaster is summoned by the military to broadcast a daily program and entertain American troops. Always emanating a light aura at the start of scenes, ‘Good Morning, Vietnam’, directed by the great Barry Levinson, is a pearl of the 1980s, bringing a frantic Robin Williams on the scene.


2º – Midnight Cowboy (John Schlesinger, 1969)A young man from a small town decides to try life in a great metropolis, hoping to improve the quality of his day to day life and find good jobs. However, the reality of the place turns out to be much less pleasant than he had expected. Now, it is up to him to overcome the difficulties encountered, relying on the help of a frustrated con man. ‘Midnight Cowboy’ is sad to bring explicitly the way that the human being is psychologically shaken when faced with a very great frustration. However, more than that, it shows how we managed to overcome the most diverse difficulties when we decided to join the figure of camaraderie.


1º – Up (Pete Docter, 2009)After the death of his wife, an old man begins a journey through several places with his house equipped with balloons, having as an unlikely companion a child. ‘Up’ transcends the simple entertainment, managing to explain to the viewer several positive concepts about the human bow in the world.