10 Comedy Movies to Watch During a Hangover


5º – The World’s End (Edgar Wright, 2013)Some friends decide to embark on a journey through England’s most iconic bars for an unprecedented day of drinking. However, they will come across a setback from another world in one of these bars, starting a battle for their lives and for the salvation of the world. Belonging to Edgar Wright’s great cinema, ‘The World’s End’ entertains from beginning to end, bringing the viewer an agile and enjoyable plot, evading the standard concepts of the genre of comedy.


4º – Dazed and Confused (Richard Linklater, 1993)Allocated in the 1970s, the film works with the final stretch of student life of several young people, showing their turbulent daily lives. Always proposing a light aura to trigger scenes, the film is a true pearl of the 1990s, showing an extremely interesting period of the twentieth century that ends up being incarcerated in time.

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