10 Best Western Movies Ever Made

3º – The Hateful Eight (Quentin Tarantino, 2015)Through a great snowstorm, several misfits are trapped in a cabin. Instead, lies and truths will arise, resulting in a series of extreme events. ‘The Hateful Eight’ is a good movie, managing to gain dynamicity with the use of single environment, in a concise and dense plot. The highlight in the cast is for Samuel L. Jackson, having the performance of his life, exhibiting a very high intensity in each scene that is present.


2º – Unforgiven (Clint Eastwood, 1992)A retired gunslinger decides to help a companion in a last task. However, a tragic event will completely change your goal in the world. ‘Unforgiven’ is the greatest film directed by Clint Eastwood in his productive filmography. Here, we can check out a brutal western that makes no concessions to viewers by showing some of the world’s worst facets.


1º – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (Sergio Leone, 1966)Three men start a chase after a fortune buried in a distant graveyard. In Sergio Leone’s classic western, everything happens in an agile way. The plot can advance in a dynamic way, without, however, letting any component of history become superficial.