10 Best Jamie Lee Curtis Movies

7º – Trading Places (John Landis, 1983)A bet between two millionaires ends up resulting in the complete exchange of papers between one man without money and another with a good job. The problem with the situation is that the two are not knowing that the exchange was planned. An iconic comedy from the 1980s, ‘Trading Places’ amuses and provokes laughter with every joke or situation that happens with its characters. A great film by director John Landis, also bringing the partnership between Eddie Murphy and Dan Aykroyd.


6º – The Fog (John Carpenter, 1980)A big fog hits a small North American city, bringing ghostly consequences to the locals. Belonging to John Carpenter’s cinema, ‘The Fog’ elevates a unique atmosphere of terror, with a creative history and memorable scenes. The film also has the presence of a great cast, headed by the great Jamie Lee Curtis.

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