10 Spine-Chilling Movies to Watch Available on Netflix


5º – The Cloverfield Paradox (Julius Onah, 2018)In the plot, a group of scientists meet on a platform off the ground to try to find a solution that threatens the world. However, a strange event will alter the reality of those people, leaving everyone at risk and in a perverse game for the simple possibility of surviving. ‘The Cloverfield Paradox’ is a film that leaves all its dynamicity in the figure of its script, since it takes advantage of few environments. A movie that sequentially follows the ‘Cloverfield’ universe.


4º – I Am the Pretty Thing That Lives in the House (Oz Perkins, 2016)A nurse accepts a job at a home away from town to take care of a writer of old horror books. Instead, the nurse, little by little, will begin to find connections between a work of the writer and strange events in the house, questioning the meaning of all that. ‘I Am the Pretty Thing That Lives in the House’ is a more skirmished horror film, opting for better-crafted outputs, giving the viewer a steady, slow pace. A good choice for those who want to explore a different strand of the horror genre.

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