10 Movies That Every Book-Lover Must Watch


9º – Barfly (Barbet Schroeder, 1987)Based on the life of writer Charles Bukowski, the film brings several fragments of the author’s life during the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s, always cherishing the exacerbated model of man to deal with the instances of life. ‘Barfly’ delivers a rustic atmosphere to its viewer, telling the story of its central character in a crude and uncompromising way. A good movie, bringing the presence of Mickey Rourke as the protagonist.


8º – Midnight in Paris (Woody Allen, 2011)On a trip to Paris, a screenwriter inexplicably goes back to the past every night, having access to the effervescent siege of the place in the first half of the twentieth century. Directed by Woody Allen, ‘Midnight in Paris’ is intelligent in its unfolding of arcs, putting the viewer to experience together with the protagonist several moments of relaxation of great names of the arts and literature.

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