10 Movies Directed by Legends You’ve Probably Never Seen


9º – Blind Chance (Krzysztof Kieslowski, 1987)We will follow three different variations of the life of the same man, always starting from the assumption of his decision of whether or not to take a train. Working with the figure of chance in the life of the human being, ‘Blind Chance’ shows how our journey in the world escapes our own choices. A strong film conceptually, still possessing one of the most striking endings of all the seventh art.


8º – Punch-Drunk Love (Paul Thomas Anderson, 2002)A misfit man ends up knowing, by mere chance, a woman as different as he is, starting a novel that will change their lives for the better. ‘Punch-Drunk Love’ is a film that walks on a more unusual side of the novel, exposing characters tormented by a damaging social siege that find security in the most unlikely instances of the world.

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