10 Greatest Movie Villains of All Time


6º – The Night of the Hunter (Charles Laughton, 1955)The film tells the story of a man who calls himself a religious, a kind of local pastor, who, however, uses the figure of religion to take advantage of the people around him. A masterpiece of the 1950s, ‘The Night of the Hunter’ is a unique film, exposing every rotten side that understands humanity, always making use of a masterly photography, a very special atmosphere and an irreproachable performance by the legendary Robert Mitchum.


5º – Cape Fear (Martin Scorsese, 1991)Recently released from prison, a man seeks revenge against the lawyer responsible for his arrest, tormenting the individual’s family in a perverse game. Pearl of Martin Scorsese’s cinema, ‘Cape Fear’ is a remake of a work from the 1960s (based on a novel by John D. MacDonald), but it is even better than the original. All the suspense that Scorsese values for building by bringing each meander of the plot manages to leave the viewer tense with each outdated fragment. A film that still has fabulous performances by actors Robert De Niro and Nick Nolte.

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