10 Great Documentaries To Watch That Gonna Change Your Life


6º – Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes (2019)Through recorded conversations with the serial killer Ted Bundy, we will have a great panorama of that man’s life, with several significant passages that possibly led him to that sad path, his life inside the crime, his cinematographic escapes and, of course, the end of his prison history. Nurturing a unique documentary value, the work opts for a very complex and complete approach to one of the most frightening criminal cases in American history.


5º – Abducted in Plain Sight (2017)The life of the Broberg family is completely changed when their teenage daughter is abducted by a neighbor extremely close to them. From this premise on we will be introduced to a whole perverse tangle that comprises that story permeated by ingenuity and a parasitic sense that ends up, in a way, working to destroy the family in question.

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