10 Best Susan Sarandon Movies


9º – In the Valley of Elah (Paul Haggis, 2007)A father looks for traces of his son, a soldier who disappeared after the Iraq war. Sad in every scene exposed to the spectator, ‘In the Valley of Elah’ has an irrefutable script, showing the lost struggle of a father for his son. The film gains its substance by unraveling the intricacies of this journey of the father, with the superb performance of Tommy Lee Jones as the protagonist.


8º – The Client (Joel Schumacher, 1994)In the plot, a common lawyer decides to go to her limit to protect a little boy who witnessed an important event involving the mafia. Regular, nurturing positive and negative moments, ‘The Client’ ends up being worth it even because of the presence of Susan Sarandon as protagonist. The actress manages to raise the quality of the work and scenes that had everything to be forgotten.

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