10 Best Existential Movies You Shouldn’t Miss


5º – Winter Light (Ingmar Bergman, 1963)A priest, through the more and more cruel events around him, loses his faith in the meanders that understand his choice of life, coming to suffer for it and harming the people who attend his church. Ingmar Bergman’s masterpiece, ‘Winter Light’ is a powerful and cold film in its paths, bringing a little substantial reality of human life. Here, Bergman’s genius gives even more density to the heavy subject, providing the viewer with a unique experience.


4º – Anomalisa (Duke Johnson, 2015)A successful writer is in a hotel to give a lecture. Instead, the man will find in the figure of a fan of his books the instance of an unexpected novel. However, the emptiness in his life ends up being greater than his strength to discover new things. One of the most intelligent animations arranged by the seventh art, ‘Anomalisa’ is strong, bringing a story that investigates all the pathological core contained in our model of facing life.

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