10 Best Cult Movies to Watch of All Time


9º – Brazil (Terry Gilliam, 1985)In the future, a man involved in insubstantial bureaucratic work finds himself persecuted by the authorities after an error. Owner of one of the most spectacular futures buildings ever exhibited in the seventh art, ‘Brazil’ is a charming film. Best film of director Terry Gilliam’s career.


8º – They Live (John Carpenter, 1988)An ordinary man ends up facing sunglasses that allow him to see the real nature of people, coming to realize that the world was being taken by aliens. Now, it will be up to him to try to prevent humanity from disappearing. Belonging to John Carpenter’s fantastic cinema, ‘They Live’ goes beyond the sense of science fiction to which he governs his events, tangendo voracious critiques of the empty paths followed by human beings.

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